Since 2014, Africa’s Voices and Well Told Story (WTS) have worked together to develop a set of social change metrics within the digital space that can sidestep the many fallibilities of traditional monitoring and measurement. AVF Director, Dr. Sharath Srinivasan, together with Rob Burnett of WTS, presented ‘Monitoring and Measuring Social Change’...
Learning is core to Africa’s Voices development and innovation. Recently with our partner, Oxfam Kenya, we reflected back on the challenges and lessons learned from our interactive radio project that sought to understand peoples’ motivations for paying taxes and their perceptions of the quality of public services. In Oxfam’s write up of the discussion...
The World Bank states that we’re “in the midst of the greatest information and communications revolution in human history”. Harnessing ICT for development can be transformative — yet pitfalls exist. “SMS surveys are cheap, easy and accessible, and reach a large number of people quickly. But many surveys are implemented...
Our Director, Dr. Sharath Srinivasan, set the scene at the Founders Pledge meeting on Human Rights. This organisation encourages founders of tech start-ups to pledge support to charities. Other speakers included Catherine Zennström (Zennström Philanthropies), Regan Ralph (The Fund for Global Human Rights), Patrick Ball (Human Rights Data Analysis Group) and Oren Yakobovich (Videre est Credere). Watch Sharath’s...
The success of our project with UNICEF Somalia relies upon our dynamic and collaborative partnership with MediaINK and their network of 26 radio stations across Somalia. Through geospatial analysis, we’ve discovered that these weekly interactive radio programmes cover 50% of Somalia and reach up to 70% of the population! The below...
Our interactive radio project in Uganda has been featured in a magazine that celebrates research at Cambridge University. Exploring the socio-cultural side of complications in pregnancy, this research was in collaboration with Dr. Annette Nakimuli (Makerere University) and Prof. Ashley Moffett (Cambridge). In the article, they describe their genetic research...